Brian W Gleeson

Brian W Gleeson

1954 – Brian Gleeson

The family’s interest in transport restarted in the early 1960’s,
when the late Brian (Doc) Gleeson (James’ Dad) and his wife
Margaret established BW Gleeson Carriers in Waiuku.
Brian’s first truck was an old Dodge, which he used to cart cream cans in true Gleeson fashion. From there, he established the business of Gleeson & Renall, spreading lime and fertiliser on farms.

Through their success, Gleeson & Renall got themselves a couple more trucks for carting fertiliser off the boats – and that’s when Don Cox joined the company.

“My Dad built this company with a strong vision of doing things right,
and I’m continuing the philosophy, and the journey.
Straight talk, straight business, straight up”

– James Gleeson

“Brian and I were friends. We grew up together – used to water-ski and do everything together. I started working with him when I was 20. I was with them six years, then I left for a few years, then came back… and I’ve been here for the last 27 years”

– Jimmy (Jaws) Stancliffe

“They had good looking gear, so I rang up Mr Brian Gleeson, and he asked me if I could back, spread, jack-knife and use a Roadranger… and then told me to start at 7am the next day”

– Terry (Turtle) Marshall